Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Finally, out with the old carpet and in with the New Carpet!

old carpet - master bedroom
old carpet circa 1994 - ugh! Good ridance to high-low carpet...
this was what came out of our house!
10 lb. memory pad being laid
New carpet in living area.
new carpet in guest bedroom.

Since Dec. 2001 we have anxiously anticipated the day when we would recarpet our home. Finally..... it's done. Dad did way too much with very little help but it is so worth it. Wish the pix showed the texture and feel of this gorgeous carpet.


Michelle said...

Can't wait to walk on the soft, new squishy carpet and to see you guys again!

Familia Forsloff said...

I LOOOOOVE this carpet! I cant wait to lay on it rub my face in it! Its beautiful and now your house looks like a model home!

Mayme said...

Congratulation on your new carpet... I recently installed new carpet at my home... It is bets for me!!