Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our beloved companion passed away

Buddy - 10/1995 - 7/1/2009 - Today our beloved faithful companion passed away. We were both present as he quietly slipped away from us. We have share tender moments of Buddy that made us cry, laugh and hold wonderful memories near our heart. His purpose in our life was to love us. He was with John at his feet daily in the office. He went everywhere with us. What joy he has brought to all our lives. Big brother Lane especially since he started by sharing his bed at night. Remember "tossing" doritos to him, he never missed. He is close to us in spirit. No other can ever replace this best friend. We celebrate his life and all he brought us. No words can express our gratitude for this little guy in our lives. We love you Bud - rest in peace! Mom and Dad


Familia Forsloff said...

Buddy was one of the best dogs, if not the best, I have ever come across! I loved that dog the moment I first met him. We were all blessed to have such a wonderful dog in our lives. I know for a surety that buddy is running around in heaven free from pain. We love you guys.

Sally said...

So sorry about the beloved companion and know that he has blessed your lives and will see you again.
Love , Sal

Unknown said...

He will be missed. He was a brother. What a great dog! We loved Buddy. Mason and Haley will miss terrorizing him all day long. Take care Mom and Dad!

The MARTINS said...

So very sad for you both, Dad was always crazy for Buddy. The kids remember Buddy's bed in Dad's office. Our heart's go out to you!
we will all miss buddy!

Love you Both!

Michelle said...

We all have such wonderful memories of Buddy and will miss him terribly. We loved him too!

Anony Mouse said...

Oh Liz, I'm so sorry. Our pets are family, it's so hard to lose them. I'm glad Buddy brought you many years of joy and love and I'm thankful you were able to be with him in his last moments. I'm thinking about you guys and praying for you at this difficult time. (((HUGS)))