Saturday, November 29, 2008

What a great way to spend Thanksgiving!

We were fortuante this Thanksgiving to have been invited to share a gorgeous hideaway home in the woods with Erin and Lane and Andy and Marcia Oshita. The setting in Alleghany (23 miles outside of Coos Bay, Oregon) was just simply beautiful. Fall colors...trees, waterfalls, natural settings...tucked away from civilization. What a treat to getaway and share Thanksgiving blessings with people we love. Enjoying baby Cooper was a side benefit. The first slide shows are of the house we all stayed at. The house was unbelieveable in design. Really large beams and several types of lumber used in construction of this unique house. We all really enjoyed each other and had a sumptuous Thanksgiving meal.

The second slide show is our walk to the Silver and Gold Falls and the beautiful surroundings.