Monday, December 8, 2008

Getting ready for the Christmas Holidays

Mom always knocks herself out when it comes to decorating the tree, and with all the tree trimmings and her collection of the Walmart Annual Teddy Bears. This tree is beautiful! Yes, the tree is artifical with it's blinking white lights, and with it's colorful fiber optic stands always ever changing in color and intensity.
Let us all enjoy the Christmas Season this year and make this a Christmas to remember with family and friends, and in bringing Christmas to others. See ya!
Mom always likes to decorate the house when it comes to the Christmas Season. You can see the stockings are hung (just the two of us now), and her Christmas Bears are out. Guess one of the bears is the Mama Bear and one is Papa Bear? We are looking forward to spending our time together as a family. We love you all and we feel very blessed!!!


Anonymous said...

What a nice looking tree! Love that the stockings are hung right by the tv so that Santa can fill them and then sit back and perhaps watch some Hannity and Colmes;)

Familia Forsloff said...

oops...that was not meant to be anonymous

Michelle said...

What fun to decorate and feel the Christmas spirit. It looks great!

The MARTINS said...

My kids wish they lived there I am sure. Always very beautiful!!!!


looks great as always, as Adam and I were looking at the picture of the tree Adam said, "Man, I love how my mom decorates the tree! I thought that was really sweet!