Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weekend with Nana and Papa

Nana signs to Cooper...not to bad!

Cooper is encouraged to smile to his Nana.!


Michelle said...

I think Cooper is absolutely precious! I'm so glad that you were able to spend some time getting to know him. I always steal him on Sundays!

Unknown said...

So were back online, first off just want to say that I love your hair cut and color. You look great! love the fish tank, Mason loved the video of the fish swimming around. And Cooper, what can I say, he is so adorable....can't wait to come out and see him. The couches look awesome...miss you and love you guys.LIZ

Familia Forsloff said...

We had such a fun time (like we always do) and thank you again for watching him ALL day! Cooper is so fortunate to have you guys as grandparents. Love and miss you already

Becca Welch said...

I did not know you had a blog, love it! Liz and I were just talking about you today, You are an amazing grandma to her kids and mom-inlaw to her and friend to me. when do you visit again? ps I love your baby blankets you made for liz.... you should teach me.