Friday, July 4, 2008

Alison and Dad at Alison's baptism.

It's great to get together as a family for the baptismal services of Alison. Look at little Chase who loves his sister.

Liz and I now have 10 grandchildren and now being seniors have been truly blessed through the years.
What a neat baptismal service. Alison just reach the age of 8 years old and was baptised by her father. Liz Forsloff (Adam's wife) gave a talk on baptism, and Liz Forsloff (her nana) gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. Marsha Oshita and auntie Erin did a song at her baptism. We are all proud of you Alison.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We are so glad that you were able to be there for her baptism, Nana and Papa. It is something that Alison will never forget! What a gathering we had. And, you're right the talks and music were just outstanding!